FarmProgress | Congress Seeks Investigation into Beef Price Fixing
Farm Action Fund endorsed a resolution directing FTC to report on anticompetitive practices and violations of antitrust law in the beef packing industry.
Farm Action Fund endorsed a resolution directing FTC to report on anticompetitive practices and violations of antitrust law in the beef packing industry.
Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) for beef will make our food system more competitive. It’s time to stop meatpackers’ deception, says Farm Action’s Joe Maxwell.
Farm Action Fund’s Joe Maxwell said records “woefully underreport” the number of foreign investments in U.S. farmland. “It’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
Shifting attitudes toward antitrust law created today’s consolidation. Farm Action Fund’s poll found rural U.S. will support candidates who liberate them from Big Ag.
Without Congressional action, Farm Action Fund president Joe Maxwell states that giant global corporate interests will cut young farmers out of the market as older farmers retire.
Farm Action Fund advocates for the right to repair agricultural machinery and is looking forward to seeing how President Biden’s Executive Order will deal with the issue.
Ahead of an upcoming executive order that will diminish corporate power, Farm Action Fund President Joe Maxwell tells Christian Science Monitor that Big Ag is a “threat to our democracy and our way of life.”
Farmers and activists say carbon markets will lock in monocrop systems and industrial operations that degrade the environment and shut out smaller farms.
Farm Action Fund president Joe Maxwell discusses how the Growing Climate Solutions Act will create more opportunity for agribusiness corporations to consolidate their wealth and political power.
Biden’s appointments might now be famous for wanting to break up big tech. But both have earned their antitrust chops on farm country, says Joe Maxwell, president of Farm Action Fund, a non-profit that fights corporate control of agriculture.
Farm Action Fund is calling for more states to follow Missouri’s lead pushing to investigate price fixing by packers in the cattle market.
Over 60 groups ended up collaborating in this database, including racial justice groups like Color of Change and Liberation in a Generation; climate leaders like Sunrise and Friends of the Earth; advocacy groups like Indivisible, MoveOn, and People’s Action; think tanks like Demos and the Center for Economic and Policy Research; corporate watchdogs like Public Citizen and Amazon Watch; and agriculture groups ranging from Farm Action Fund to the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association.