House Checkoff Debate Opens Door for Inclusion of OFF Act in Farm Bill
Farm Action Fund’s Angela Huffman says the way to reform these corrupt programs is by including the OFF Act in the upcoming farm bill.
Farm Action Fund’s Angela Huffman says the way to reform these corrupt programs is by including the OFF Act in the upcoming farm bill.
As the U.S. ag trade deficit is forecast to increase by 45%, our research shows we could balance it by converting less than .5% of farmland to high-value crops.
This catastrophic legislation would only benefit a few global corporations, said Farm Action Fund’s Joe Maxwell, and must be kept out of the 2023 Farm Bill.
By launching the Defeat EATS campaign, a diverse coalition is spotlighting the many risks associated with including this harmful legislation in the 2023 Farm Bill.
Checkoff reform opponents are “brazenly omitting their shared conflict of interest: [they] are all recipients of checkoff funds,” says Farm Action Fund’s Angela Huffman.
Weighing in on the heated checkoff reform debate, Farm Action Fund’s Angela Huffman called out opponents for not disclosing their conflicts of interest.