Farm Groups Urge Congressional Opposition to the EATS Act
Farm Action Fund led farm groups in urging the Congressional Agriculture Committee to oppose the EATS Act, which would strip states’ rights to protect farmers.
Farm Action Fund led farm groups in urging the Congressional Agriculture Committee to oppose the EATS Act, which would strip states’ rights to protect farmers.
Farm Action Fund called into question checkoff return on investment (ROI) evaluations cited by a recently introduced congressional resolution in support of checkoff programs.
The Committee’s action strips the USDA of the ability to do its most important duty: protect farmers by ensuring a fair marketplace, said Joe Maxwell.
The farmer, rancher, consumer, labor, farmworker, and faith organizations urged the Appropriations Committee to remove a policy rider preventing USDA from advancing proposed rules to strengthen the Packers and Stockyards Act.
Leaders in the movement for more transparent and accountable checkoff programs, Farm Action Fund and Marty Irby are working to get the bipartisan OFF Act included in the 2023 Farm Bill.
Farm Action Fund’s Joe Maxwell urged the House Appropriations Committee to reconsider the provision, which effectively sells out America’s farmers and ranchers.